«Ha terminado»

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Col·lecció Fons Miquel Porter i Moix
Identificador 10CMP
Materials/Tècniques Positiu en paper
Lloc d’origen Barcelona
Localització actual (centre) CRAI Biblioteca de Belles Arts. Baldiri Reixac, 2, 08028 Barcelona
Data ca. 1920
Photograph of an announcement showed in the Barcelona cinemas with the same purpose as the welcome placards. This specimen shows three women holding up a sign that says "Ha Terminado", or "Session Over" in English. As cinemas generally offered continuous sessions, or double features, they used signs like this one to tell the viewing public that a given film had ended or that a session was over. Spectators had to leave, clearing the cinema for the next session. Normally these signs appeared on painted glass.
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